The Search's Official Timeline

Academic Report

Below is a linear timeline showcasing the many historical factors that corelate with the Chatswood Song.


7TH APRIL: Song 2 by Blur is released. [1]

27TH MAY: I’ll Be Missing You by Puff Daddy is released. [2]

10TH JULY: Northern Herald publishes the article Thugs Rule, Says Shop Owners.

16TH, 23RD, 29TH JULY: First phase of filming occurs for Video Surveillance: Race Around Chatswood.

31ST JULY: Northern Herald publishes the article Council Defends Street Kids Policy.

6TH, 13TH, 20TH AUGUST: Second phase of filming occurs for Video Surveillance: Race Around Chatswood.

15TH – 31ST AUGUST: ArtStart’ 97 events occur across NSW.

21ST AUGUST: Out to Sea is released in Australian Cinemas. [3]


1. Song 2 is theorized to be a heavily inspired source to the Chatswood Song due to its stylistic similarities.

2. I’ll Be Missing You is heard playing in the documentary. Giving a filming date circa 27th May 1997 (The Song’s Release Date).

3. Out to Sea is shown in a coming soon poster at a local cinema featured in the documentary. Giving a filming date sometime in August 1997.

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